Class PlantInteractionQuest

public class PlantInteractionQuest extends Quest
A Quest where the player has to interact with a certain amount of plants.
  • Constructor Details

    • PlantInteractionQuest

      public PlantInteractionQuest(String name, Reward reward, MissionManager.MissionEvent interactionType, Set<String> plantTypes, int interactionsTarget)
      name - Quest name
      reward - Reward the player can collect once complete
      interactionType - Type of plant interaction
      plantTypes - Plant types the player can interact with
      interactionsTarget - Number of interactions the player needs to complete the quest
    • PlantInteractionQuest

      public PlantInteractionQuest(String name, Reward reward, int expiryDuration, MissionManager.MissionEvent interactionType, Set<String> plantTypes, int interactionsTarget)
      Creates a PlantInteractionQuest with an expiry
      name - Quest name
      reward - Reward the player can collect once complete
      expiryDuration - How long until the Quest will expire
      interactionType - Type of plant interaction
      plantTypes - Plant types the player can interact with
      interactionsTarget - Number of interactions the player needs to complete
  • Method Details