Class ManageHostilesQuest

public class ManageHostilesQuest extends Quest
A Quest that requires the player to kill hostiles in order to be completed.
  • Constructor Details

    • ManageHostilesQuest

      public ManageHostilesQuest(String name, Reward reward, Set<EntityType> hostileTypes, int numberOfHostilesToBeKilled)
      name - - the name of the quest
      reward - - the Reward the player can collect on completion
      hostileTypes - - the type of hostiles the player should kill
      numberOfHostilesToBeKilled - - the number of hostiles the player is required to kill
    • ManageHostilesQuest

      public ManageHostilesQuest(String name, Reward reward, int expiryDuration, Set<EntityType> hostileTypes, int numberOfHostilesToBeKilled)
      Creates a ManageHostilesQuest with a specific expiry
      name - - the name of the quest
      reward - - the Reward the player can collect on completion
      expiryDuration - - how many in-game hours until ManageHostilesQuest expires
      hostileTypes - - the type of hostiles the player should kill
      numberOfHostilesToBeKilled - - the number of hostiles the player is required to kill
  • Method Details