Class ConnectedEntityUtility


public class ConnectedEntityUtility extends Object
Used by placeable components to handle connected textures and other functionality that requires a Placeable to interact dynamically with other Placeable entities. This component should be a composite component of the target entity. For example an entity adds a SprinklerComponent OR a FenceComponent which creates a new instance of this component, and passes the entity to its constructor.
  • Constructor Details

    • ConnectedEntityUtility

      public ConnectedEntityUtility(Entity target)
  • Method Details

    • getAdjacentEntities

      protected Entity[] getAdjacentEntities()
      Getter for this adjacent entity array.
      this array of adjacent entities.
    • notifyAdjacent

      public void notifyAdjacent()
      Used by a Placeable entity after some update has occurred. Notifies the calling's adjacent entities via a trigger.
    • getAdjacentBitmap

      public byte getAdjacentBitmap()
      Gives a 4-bit representation of the adjacent Placeable entities. This is very useful for texture selection since the 4-bit number acts as an index into an ordered texture array. See usages in
      4-bit number representation of the target entities adjacent Placeable entities.