Class TouchAttackComponent


public class TouchAttackComponent extends Component
When this entity touches a valid enemy's hitbox, deal damage to them and apply a knockback. Has an optional disposeOnHit property that disposes projectile upon collision.

Requires CombatStatsComponent, HitboxComponent on this entity.

Damage is only applied if target entity has a CombatStatsComponent. Knockback is only applied if target entity has a PhysicsComponent.

  • Constructor Details

    • TouchAttackComponent

      public TouchAttackComponent(short targetLayer)
      Create a component which attacks entities on collision, without knockback.
      targetLayer - The physics layer of the target's collider.
    • TouchAttackComponent

      public TouchAttackComponent(short targetLayer, float knockback)
      Create a component which attacks entities on collision, with knockback.
      targetLayer - The physics layer of the target's collider.
      knockback - The magnitude of the knockback applied to the entity.
    • TouchAttackComponent

      public TouchAttackComponent(short targetLayer, float knockback, boolean disposeOnHit)
      Create a component which attacks entities on collision, with knockback and self-dispose.
      targetLayer - The physics layer of the target's collider.
      knockback - The magnitude of the knockback applied to the entity.
      disposeOnHit - Whether this entity should be disposed on hit.
  • Method Details

    • create

      public void create()
      Description copied from class: Component
      Called when the entity is created and registered. Initial logic such as calls to GetComponent should be made here, not in the constructor which is called before an entity is finished.
      create in class Component
    • onCollisionStart

      public void onCollisionStart(com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.Fixture me, com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.Fixture other)
    • setDisposeOnHit

      public void setDisposeOnHit(boolean disposeOnHit)
    • setKnockBack

      public void setKnockBack(float knockback)
    • chooseWeapon

      public Weapon chooseWeapon(com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.Fixture other)
      Choose the weapon to use against the given fixture. If the fixture has been removed (died) return null, else return the weapon to use.
    • setTargetLayer

      public void setTargetLayer(short targetLayer)
      Sets the target layer of this component, changing which entity to "attack" and/or apply knockback to.
      targetLayer -