ClassesClassDescriptionA reward that spawns a ShipPartTile and ShipDebris on collection.A ConsumePlayerItemsReward class for when the player completes a
which should result in a certain number of inventory items to be removed from the inventory.DialogueReward is a Reward that on collect() will call the correct dialogue display with its given dialogue.An Entity Reward class for when a player completes a Quest and receives reward entity as a resultAn ItemReward class for when a player completes a Quest and receives reward items as a resultThe MultiReward is a Reward that can be added to a Quest in order to have multiple types of Reward in one class.The QuestReward can be added as a reward to a quest so that when the quest is complete the collect() method will add the quests from the constructor to the MissionManager.The `Reward` class is an abstract class representing an in-game reward which can be collected as a result of completing an Mission **(v1 only!)** or milestone **(v2 only!)**.A StatReward that when called collect() on adds the specified health to the current player's health stat.AReward
for triggering hostiles into the gameTriggerWeatherReward is a Reward that when collected will add the provided WeatherEvents to the ClimateController.AReward
that will trigger the win screen when collected.