Class TamedFollowTask

All Implemented Interfaces:
PriorityTask, Task

public class TamedFollowTask extends FollowTask
  • Constructor Details

    • TamedFollowTask

      public TamedFollowTask(Entity target, int priority, float viewDistance, float maxFollowDistance, float stoppingDistance, String favouriteFood, com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2 speed)
  • Method Details

    • getInactivePriority

      protected int getInactivePriority()
      Description copied from class: FollowTask
      Determines the priority when the follow task is inactive based on the distance to the target, the visibility of the target entity, and the stopping distance.
      getInactivePriority in class FollowTask
      The inactive priority level or -1 if conditions are not met.
    • getActivePriority

      protected int getActivePriority()
      Description copied from class: ChaseTask
      Determines the priority when the chase task is active based on the distance to the target and the visibility of the target entity.
      getActivePriority in class ChaseTask
      The active priority level or -1 if chasing conditions are not met.