Class SolarSurgeEvent


public class SolarSurgeEvent extends WeatherEvent
Represents a heat wave event within the planet's weather system. SolarSurgeEvent is caused by the production of a massive amount of solar energy.
  • Constructor Details

    • SolarSurgeEvent

      public SolarSurgeEvent(int numHoursUntil, int duration, int priority, float severity)
      Constructs a SolarSurgeEvent with a given countdown, duration, priority and severity.
      numHoursUntil - number of in-game hours until the weather event can occur
      duration - number of in-game hours that the event can occur for
      priority - priority of the weather event
      severity - intensity of the weather event, impacting its effects
  • Method Details

    • startEffect

      public void startEffect()
      Description copied from class: WeatherEvent
      Starts the visual effect for the weather event
      Specified by:
      startEffect in class WeatherEvent
    • stopEffect

      public void stopEffect()
      Description copied from class: WeatherEvent
      Stops the visual effect for the weather event
      Specified by:
      stopEffect in class WeatherEvent